Friday, August 6, 2010

CWG...............a complete mess

India is going to held the common wealth games for 2010. The whole government machinery is working at full speed. Back few years China has demonstrated ...How much is the communist government efficient when it comes to deliver something. Beijing Olympics was a perfect showcase of Chinese power and might. They delivered all the projects before the deadlines .At no point there was any chaos or confusion. Even the recent concluded FIFA world cup in South Africa was better.

On other hand now only two months are left and still many of venues and hotels are not completely ready. Still there is debate whether we should organise the games or not. The leak of CVC report had made the wholes visible. The government of India gave all the freedoms to the organising committee . Still what we are observing is a blame game. When its comes to accountability in India....I think the democracy is a night mare . The CVC report says that there is corruption at each level.During the past decade corruption is not anymore like taking money under the table. It has to be in thousands of crores. Land, sea and air are the main sources. Land for illegal mining. Sea for petroleum – where ONGC could not find petroleum products, private parties have captured the oil/gas. Air for spectrum via Raja.In CWG it is the older system of corruption. The system which has been mastered by the politicians for ages. Only problem is corruption was our domestic and internal issue.But now whole world will be watching us. Starting from awarding contract corruption has share in each process. The refreshment bill of the organising committee is in few millions. Where the country is heading ? The future seems to be dark . Why not government is stepping forward to show its determination infighting the corruption. Manmohan Singh government had the necessary mandate but the government doesnot have the will power to come clean. There has been reports that even safety standards are compromised. These days Manmohan singh is never in news . Where are his visionary ideas ? The allegation are very serious . The government need to short out the issue before the games which are due in October .
What kind of example we are setting in front of the whole world . Our leaders keep yelling for a permanent seat in United nations. Is A country which cannot organise sporting event like Commonwealth eligible for a permanent seat ?
Sports minister MS Gill, who defended the government, tried a folksy track, comparing the game with an Indian wedding. “The bridegroom’s party is at the doorstep, we should go and welcome it, bring the party home.” But minister should understand that the image of game is being tarnished .
IS this is CWG 2010 which India want to use as a base for bidding for Olympics in future. If government have once decided to organise the game ,it should focus to make the games a pride event in the history of India. Its now time for prime Minister to step in and show his vision to lead this country out of this chaos.

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